PlayStation 4 can mean an end to constant updates and downloads that were constantly made during gaming time. “What we want to do is be able to have people play the game immediately. We don’t want to have people sit there and wait like you did on the PS3,” Norden said. “Let’s say you initiate a download and then you go off and make a sandwich or go out to dinner and then come back and hope it’s finished downloading. And then you have to wait for another install. We don’t want that anymore. That’s just not a good user experience.”
Sony revealed information on the next-generation platform that will posses a “very large” hard drive. Unfortunately certain figures are not revealed yet, and are only in the sphere of imagination.. Developers of Playstation 4 drew conclusions from the pain of “PS3 era”. The fruit of their collaboration is a console with huge hard drive capacity, enabled to instantly make downloads “in the back”. What could be really refreshing for the gaming itself, can be the idea mentioned by Norden in connection with PS 4 (“play-as-you-download”) feature. That in reality would allow players to start playing the game, instantly after the purchase…
Idea bases on “pieces” that games will be split into… First of them will be small enough, to be downloaded nearly instantly allowing the earlier mentioned process to take place. Most of these efforts are made in order to minimize loading times in the PlayStation 4. In the era of digital sales this would be something relieving for most players and developers… If Sony achieves in making those ideas come true, we will certainly get a better experience on the next-generation systems.. In the era of digital distribution this would be something relieving for most players and developers… Also imagine the size of the games made for next-generation consoles (Witcher 3) and you’ll see that Sony has to follow the oncoming trend… What we will, certainly observe in some time.