It is seen that many firms either revamped or simply closed down their whole web presence due to no or low traffic. The success of a website is entirely measured by the number of its visitors and their absolute conversion rate. People can certainly bring more traffic to their website and the answer lies with this blog which describes user experience and highlights their key importance.

User Experience generally refers to the overall experience of a user when utilizing your website. UX Design primarily means a website design immensely built to enhance user satisfaction. Thereby satisfying users needs an in-depth analysis of what they require or value, how they primarily interact with your website, and how they primarily feel over each interaction. There are also several aspects involved, like visual design, information architecture, content strategy, and usability.

People spend short attention spans and they abandon a website immediately if it fails to actively appeal to them within the first few minutes of their use. In addition, even search engines like Google do not index such kinds of websites anymore.

How User Experience Design Increase Traffic

Going to First Impression

It is enumerated that the first few seconds after a user clicks on your website are important. The users will only continue further if the landing page loads in a fast manner. One has to make the best use of typography, expressive images, colours, fonts, etc. Moreover, the users explore a website further only when the landing page is fast and quick, readable, and lucrative.

Stick with Mobile Optimization

Now everything happens on mobiles and users mostly surf the Internet on the go. Thereby, your website will lose maximum traffic if it’s not adeptly optimized to run on mobiles. The better your website looks, feels, and performs across several screen sizes, the more traffic it would generate.

Most Engaging Content

The sites with engaging articles, attractive info-graphics, good catchy images, and meaningful videos certainly receive a large amount of traffic.

Easy and Simple Navigation

Most users abandon a website the moment they feel that it’s hard to move around. This immensely proves the fact that a site’s performance also wholly depends on smooth and simple navigation.

Search Engine Optimization

If a site performs well in all SEO factor aspects, it would automatically rank higher on the result pages. Thereby a better rank on search result pages naturally drives more traffic to the website.