Sam and Max: Save the World

by | Mar 12, 2013 | 0 comments

Genre : Adventure
Platform : XBox 360
Developer : Telltale Games
Positivies :; another Sam and Max game ; very funny and intelligent at once
Negatives :; transition to 3d took some part of the game character

Are Sam and Max also saving the game world? Yes, this can be said so… Sam and Max are saving the adventure games genre by popping to the scene one more time. This genre can be today called sadly “dying” or just “not evolving”. I still remember times when point’n’click games used to rock PC! There were so many great games, that adventure genre was one of the most popular products on PC’s.. So what’s the deal about them now?

Point’n’click died with the era of 3d games, that came with first home console systems. Adventure games had a big problem because most of them lost their character in transition to 3 dimensions. So let’s see if this also applies for Sam and Max franchise… For all of you who wandered, Sam and Max is a classic adventure game in a point’n’click style. These guys are freelance police members working on some special missions. In the reviewed game they try to find traces of hypnotic trance that entire world slips into.
Duo is impossibly funny: Sam being a more-thinking type, and Max which has crazy ideas that set the world on fire! Camera is set on current location. We can order to move Sam or Max or to take some actions. For example when clicking on the rubbish bin Max will open it and take a piece of paper, that will be stored in your inventory. Most of the detective work done by these guys happens in totally incredible and crazy ways. It should be noted that humor and jokes included in the game are first class.

Graphics in Sam and Max: Save the World are very nice, objects and characters have a comic-book like look to them.. Both main protagonists have a very funny and comical look to them. The same can be said of game sounds, which contain some nice music samples. So I suppose I have no other option that to recommend this game to all of you.. It has got a very light and relaxing nature. At the end of the review I have a special message for all of you: do support games like these, because tomorrow they may be gone forever…

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