Red Stone

by | Mar 26, 2013 | 0 comments

Genre : Role Playing
Platform : MMORPG | PC
Developer : L&K Logic
Positivies :; huge number of playable characters! ; nice graphical design
Negatives :; not so many players online

Red Stone is a stone that glitters brightly in the world of free MMO-RPGs… There were many games in the market, that were trying to simulate Diablo II success… There is no need to recall them all, because in this case it makes no sense… But there were products, closer to D2 quality, and those that unfortunately missed it. In case of Red Stone, this is no-brainer when putting it to the first category. Red Stone really shines when it comes to playable classes! You can believe it or not, but there is a total of 16 of them in the game! This gives Red Stone more re-playability value in comparison to most of the free MMO-RPGs, that offer from 3 to 5 classes at most!

For old-school players Red Stone will bring many fine memories from times, when games were in the “Diablo 2 era”… This is not a bad thing, as we all know Diablo 2 is still one of the greatest hits in the genre… Red Stone has one great idea, that sets it apart from the competition! This is an ability to perform transformation, meaning that in-game you instantly change your class into another! At first, it seemed to me like this idea would be a little strange, but in reality it turned out to be quite unique and well implemented.
Each of the classes included in the game has its own skill tree which can be modified upon leveling. Characters level quite fast in comparison to other MMO-RPG’s. Fights in the game are a little bit repetitive and generic and are one of the weaker points of Red Stone. If developers would improve this element, we could get a hit-game! Red Stone is recommended for old-school players, who won’t judge the game only by graphics or comment made by other people.. If you value classic game-play and look, Red Stone will be a great journey to endless dungeons, treasure chests and mighty heroes!

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