Orrery App : Learn about Solar System

by | Jun 16, 2013 | 0 comments

Genre : Android App
Platform : Android
Developer : trideon de
Positivies :Easy navigation
Negatives :Nothing really bad

Humans have the ability to retain immense amount of information in their memory when those information are recorded in the form of images and working models. These working models and images leave lasting impressions in the memory rather than reading information in the form of text or through lectures. The information stored in the memory using the above method can be easily retrieved and helps in understanding and developing further based on the accumulated information. There are millions of apps which are used widely for different purposes are available in the market, but apps that help to transfer knowledge through user interaction along visually engrossing images are the most useful for individuals of all ages. Orrery is one such app which has been developed and launched by trideon.de for the android mobile users. The users would require android software 2.3.3 and up for the complete functioning of the app. The users can learn and experience our solar system in the most unique way through Orrery app.

How it works?

Orrery app presents the planar model of the solar system, it also a mechanical working model which can be controlled by the user where they can speedup and slow the process. The app presents the solar system in the crystal clear display where each and every minute detail is visible clearly. The users can turn on and off the trails of the planet, the asteroid visibility and the background music. They can also control the speed with which the planets rotate with the help of the Speed slider in the bottom of the screen. They can also input the specific date in the future or in the past to see the exact position of the planets during that particular time. The speed of rotation can also be adjusted according to user preference to experience the different positions and path of the planet. You can click on each planet and land on its surface to gain the experience of the surface. The facts and important information about each planet is displayed when they click on that specific planet. The information about the Orrery model in general is also provided.


  • High quality graphics which gives the 3D experience of our solar system.
  • The app supports both landscape and portrait options.
  • The rotation of the planets is done in accordance to the realistic orbital speeds and planet radii.
  • The surfaces of Mercury, Moon, Mars and Venus can be explored.
  • The navigation of the camera is very smooth such that there are no disruptions.
  • The app is available in two different languages English and German.



Orrery is a useful app which helps anyone to learn and experience our solar system in the most interesting way filled with fun. The app is available for just $1.91, which is a good investment for the immense amount of information which one can gain from this wonderful app.

Good – Easy navigation

Bad – Nothing really bad

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