Motocross Madness demo

by | May 18, 2013 | 0 comments

Genre : Racing
Platform : XBox 360
Developer : Bongfish GmbH
Positivies :;great motocross models! ;great value
Negatives :;highly addictive!

Hello, and welcome to my review of the brand-new racing genre representative, Motocross Madness! It’s certainly a game that is extremely well polished as for an Xbox live title. We get very nice textures, animations and effects, which all add to the very strong visual department! Game perfectly recreates the feel of speed, when driving the Motocross across the wilderness! Title offers much content in order to satisfy real gamers, we get numerous trials, free to roam tracks, and time contests!

Unfortunately, the demo version of Madness does not allow for a multi-player experience (it’s locked…) Which I guess could be very exciting! Game uses Xbox avatars as main protagonists, which is both original and funny. Motocross Madness is one of those games, that should appear nearly to everyone because, it excels in extremely strong value! Title has lots of additional features to it: we can customize our bikes, our rider and do many other things, in order to create our favorite rider/motocross…
Motocross Madness brings a lot of variety when it comes to the environments, we will get to ride through, each being different and having its own atmosphere. Game has enough of modes and tracks in order to satisfy nearly every gamer! Graphics presented in the demo are just sweet, and make the whole game look amazing: everything is very clear and features effects that are the icing on the cake! The graphics engine is extremely flexible and can generate multiple objects with no sign of slowdown! Music department is really worth mentioning, as the audio score greatly enhances the feeling of speeding across the track!

Upon adding up all of the previously mentioned factors, the final verdict is… we get an engaging racing title that deals with motocross! Game is very well polished, has a great physics model and above all this is extremely playable… By buying Motocross Madness (800 MP), you will have yourself a lot of enjoyment for a great price! Recommended…

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