List your interests through Medalist

by | Apr 6, 2021 | 0 comments

Genre :
Platform : iPhone / iPad
Developer : Medalist
Positivies :easy to use, UI, concept
Negatives :None

I used to track everything that I consume throughout the day and make a note of it with a detailed review in my blog. Recently I came up to know about the mobile app “Medalist” which has a unique interface for product ranking, it surprises me to hear that anyone can create an account and made their ranking list of almost anything. Not only the products but also anything we want to try or making a note of the things we tried like books, movies, sports, food items, beverages, etc.

Bloggers are meticulous about everything around them and this unique quality makes them a fine connoisseur to give a perfect rating for everything. In Medalist, people can add a note on anything they’ve been interested in and suggest others to try the things that they’ve been already tried. By making a bench and a podium, it helps the other medallist community people to acquire knowledge about the things they want.

Always keep posted on everything I had tried already and the things I want to try with photos and writing short notes in my medallist account, Medalist keeps me in touch with other Medalist users around the world. Also, I can get recommendations from other people who help me to filter my list and to know about new things. Another unique feature in Medalist is that we can create many lists and we can control our lists by restricting and allowing other users to view them.

Medalist is a novel type of social media, it is very surprising that the developers came up with this new idea. In this app, we can see what others are posting and we can obtain details from their lists. If anyone love to add things from our list can give us a poach count which shows our capability of influencing. We can see a variety of lists like tourist spots, libraries, theatres, cook recipes, web series, documentaries, etc. These lists can give us a wide knowledge about the things we using in our daily life and things we desire to do in the future.

Everyone has their lists about the things they wanted to do in their lifetime but most of them can’t manage their lists and some of us will forget to accomplish the things they desire. This space was filled by Medalist and it can remind us with its notifications and also it can give personal recommendations. Medalist rated with five stars in Appstore which shows its astonishing performance between users.

Medalist is available in Appstore for iPhones and iPads with the latest versions. Users are supported through

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