LifeTopix : All-in-one Organizational App

by | Nov 8, 2012 | 0 comments

Genre : iOS App
Platform : iPhone / iPad
Developer : LightArrow Inc
Positivies :Detailed layout of the app
Negatives :The enormous amount of information may be intimidating to the users at first.

We all are very busy with our work, studies and family throughout the day, which leaves us with almost no time for planning and organizing things. This is mainly because we have to work with different applications, make notes to keep track of all our day-to-day activities. LifeTopix is an effective app which helps you to manage and organize all your tasks with a single app. Life Topix app has been developed and launched by Light Arrow Inc., a company which is based in Austin, Texas. The app is made available in the iTunes for the iPhone and iPad users.

Organizing our personal tasks has always been a challenge to many people, this app is very helpful to those with minimal to no organizational skills and serves best even for the people who have mastered the technique. LifeTopix has so many features so that the users can organize almost anything that they think. The main aim of the app is to organize the life of a person from each and every perspective possible.


The app helps to organize everything from daily schedules, projects, meetings, events, activity logs, health and nutrition, shopping lists and even your personal finance. LifeTopix allows the users to import their contacts directly from your contact list. It also provides the data backup feature which protects the user’s information and makes it even more safe and secure. Recording voice notes is a very useful of this app through which the users can just record the information needed even if they don’t have the time to print it. This information can be organized into folders and separated into various categories.The app also syncs the events that are created by the user to the Calendar apps in their iPad’s and iPhones. LifeTopix is a perfect friend on your hectic days and the results are amazing. The users no need to worry about missing their project deadlines or any item in their grocery list, because with LifeTopix all your data will be at your fingertips.  It takes care of your hard work when the users decide to make an effort to be more organized.


The users can organize their tasks under various categories such as people + services, health + life style, events, tasks + projects, shopping lists, finance, home assets, media, notes + files, online services and education.  The layout and the design of the app are in a very detailed manner enabling the easy navigation and usage of the app. The app also provides access to the cloud storage; the users can use various applications such as Drop Box, iCloud, Mobile Me and many such private services.


LifeTopix app helps the users to meet all their personal organizational needs in a single app. The app provides immense value for its cost of just $ 0.99. The users can download the app from the App store and it requires iOS 5.0 or later for its functioning.

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