Jump Out! : A ‘Starry’ Escape From the Prison

by | May 22, 2013 | 0 comments

Genre : Android App
Platform : Android
Developer : TapTapBoom Games
Positivies :amazing graphics; beautiful characterization
Negatives :none

An app is most probably to be successful both commercially and critically if it manages to portrait the reality as much as possible. The other choice is that the developer creates a whole new world of fantasy that convinces the player to be real. Most of the adventurous games are built on this same platform and have been well received. Angry birds was maybe the first game that didn’t matched two in a traditional way but it managed to find a indirect connection. The element of physics it used while throwing off the birds on targets caught the eyes of everyone. The game was easy to play but posed a strong complexity in the higher levels of the game. Now we have another game having the same basics but obviously the gameplay is very different. But one thing that I saw while writing this review is that it has the same potential to be a trendsetter for others.

Jump Out is the name of this new Android app that I’m talking about. The app has been developed by TapTapBoom Games and is compatible with all the devices running Android 2.2 or later version of the OS. Let us head to the gameplay of the app first which I found really interesting.

The game is about four different bugs who are trying to escape a four-walled box. There is an exit-named hole and your sole purpose in the game is to make them bugs reach that hole. You do that by launching the bug off a position and from there on the bug goes through a pre-defined mechanism and if your calculations were right, the bug will reach the hole. The complete game is physics driven including many objects such as sprockets, wormholes, etc. The mechanism goes more and more complex as you reach higher levels and it would really be a tough task for you to cover those 140 levels.


The graphics of the app are amazing and perfectly drawn for such a fun app. It will attract kids as well as adults. The characterization of the four bugs is splendid and you’ll really find an attachment to these bugs as you start playing. You’ll want to save them as they die in front of your eyes when you fail. But you can see the projectile of the throw before actually throwing the bug so that it becomes a little bit easy to judge the correct path. Also, you need to collect stars while reaching the exit gate and that keeps the inspiration on.

The app is available for free in the Play Store. With around 30 achievements to unlock and 30 additional bonus levels, I don’t think you can even expect for more. So without wasting any further time, all I can ask you to install this app now. It’s worth more than I can tell you.

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