InboxMind- Whats all about this iPhone Email app?

by | Jan 15, 2015 | 0 comments

Genre : iOS App
Platform : iPhone / iPad
Developer : InboxMind LLC
Positivies :Prioritization,maximum security.
Negatives :none

In most instances, our mailboxes are filled by a myriad of different mails from different sources. Some of these are importnt while others are not. Different people use their emails for different reasons. It reaches a point in time where the need to restore some sanity to your mailbox becomes real. There are many email apps tailored to address these concerns. It is therefore important to go for an application that makes your life easier by helping you get what you want when it matter most. One such application is the InboxMind application.


About the inbox mind app

The inbox mind application is a smart mailbox application that is highly interactive and adaptive is many ways. Considering its smartness, this mailbox app learns from you and gives you what you want. With your interests in mind, this app features a highly intuitive features aimed at augmenting your daily operations. For instance, it is able to classify emails based on their significance through customization of your preferences or by learning on the feedback given.


The Dynamic Prioritization Feature

As you use this application, the feature gets to learn about the mails that get you attention. By default, these are the most important emails on your inbox. From this statistics, every email landing on your mailbox is automatically classified as “very high, high, medium, or low”. Besides the inbuilt dynamic feature, that does this for you, you can alternatively set your priorities by yourself based on the contacts available or using certain keywords.


InboxRadioTM Smart Alerts

Besides having your priorities set, you will realise that there are times that you will be unable to reach out to you phone and read your mails. Thanks to this patented technology, you can listen to these important mails the moment they arrive. This is an invaluable feature for anyone busy at his or her desk or even on the go. How does it really work? This application works by giving you a summary of the contents in your prioritized folder.

Privacy and Security

The InboxMind gives you a secure option of accessing your mailbox. This application encrypts your password and important credentials on your device. This implies that your passwords are not stored in online servers unlike with other convectional apps. In ensuring that your personal info is confined to your device, InboxMind servers do not store your mails as well. Concisely, this email app accords you maximum security.

With this application on your iPhone, you can get more work done as it lets you focus on what matters most. Not all mails require immediate action. Thanks to the InboxMind, you are now able to classify your mails based on their urgency. What is to be done today? Tomorrow? This application will help you in keep a close eye on your to do list. The probability of missing on an important email is eliminated.With InboxMind you will be able to realise a cognitive overhead on your productivity levels. With it you are able to have more and more done without leaving any stone unturned.

Worth Having Application :  Download the App

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