Personal development and constant inspiration are the two most important factors that govern a professional’s career. But taking one’s depressed soul out of the depths and seeping in the confident to tackle the problems is not an easy task and certainly not everyone’s job. So if you can afford any expert’s advice (which is really very costly) it’s really worthy. But what about a program where you could have this expert advice at affordable rates and get paid a good amount as well? Yes it’s very difficult to believe such a thing but such a business program has just entered the mobile market. The mobile app is called iLiving App and works on the idea of giving you a small share out of this big application market.
You can check out the app at their website where they have shown many of the videos of how this app works and how it can be of any benefit to you. But is this program really that simple and affordable as they say or there are any hidden terms and conditions? Well, I would say that to the most of the part, it is true and there are no traps for you to fall inside.
The personal development program is high quality and helpful. Every week you get a free video in your account of nearly 10 minutes duration by an expert aimed at your business development, personal development, financial growth, leadership quality, etc. The best thing is that you can watch these videos even with the free account. But there are many benefits if you upgrade to a paid subscription plan.
The retail plan costs you $6.95 and in addition to the free benefits, you get access to their video vault where many other videos are available from the past which you can take a look at. Also you can read articles written in the same perspective. But still you are missing one important thing and that is their earning program. You can earn through their matrix program which is available under the Associate subscription plan for $9.95. The matrix program works similar to a referral system where you are actually part of a big tree. The more the branches are generated under you, the more revenue you generate. Also, you get a personal website for yourself.
Though it appears to be very simple on paper, but looking at the cases when people are not willing to buy a $1 app, how can you expect them to subscribe for the $9.95/month plan? But I think that even their sole video subscription plan is enough to cope out with the price tag. This is the first time that someone has tried to put such a program into execution in the mobile app market. It requires a lot of trust for the user to believe in you and its developer John Marr, CEO of Savage apps, is a well known name in the industry to be trusted.
So I would suggest you all to enroll yourself for this one.
Worth Having Application – Get iLiving App Today