Glidefire: Gliding into a Highly Futuristic City

by | Sep 23, 2014 | 0 comments

Genre : iOS Game
Platform : iPhone / iPad
Positivies :Excellent visuals and graphics
Negatives :response of the controls is a bit slow

Glidefire, a new iOS app developed by Wonder Wood Games allows you to get aboard a space-ship and set out on a journey to a highly futuristic city. The game is a war between drones that are controlled by evil Al and the Earth Alliance. You can occasionally choose which glider or spaceship you’d like to hop on to, each possessing unique abilities. On your way, there are numerous obstacles to dodge and various enemies to eradicate. The control of the glider is entirely in your hands. There is a lot the game has to offer in terms of pilots, gliders as well as weapons.

This is sci-fi themed runner game that is sure to keep you hooked. As it is an endless runner game, your aim is to cover the largest distance possible before being destroyed by your enemies. On your path, there are energy packs for you to boost yourself as well as obstacles to hinder your progress.


In terms of the game controls, the app resembles Temple Run to a large extent. Most of the controls have been derived from it, without the option to customize them. You have three lanes and you can swap to your left or right to avoid obstacles by switching between these lanes. A swipe up will cause you to jump over your obstacles and a swipe down will make you slide underneath them. However, the response time of the controls is not as good as that of Temple Run, which can result in a lot of undue frustration oftentimes.

The main challenging feature of the game is the speed with which it proceeds. Keeping up with this speed is the taxing factor indeed. Unless you are able to assess situations rapidly and respond to them, the game is lost. Coping with the speed of the game does take a good amount of practise.

Glidefire also boasts of an enviable Armoury, where you can select gliders and weapons. Also, you can upgrade the features of your glider using energy that you earn during the course of the game. These upgrades are quite simple but can make a tremendous difference if used at the right time. There are also special online Events and Contests that players can avail of once they complete all the levels of the game. There are special game modes on offer too.


In order to play in the single player mode, you do not need an internet connection. However, if you would like to employ the game’s social features, an internet connection is necessary. There is a Friends menu in the social aspect, where you can invite your friends from Facebook, each for 20 crystals. Also, if you would like to keep track of special events, you will be required to stay online. A majority of the game, spent in single player running mode, does not need an internet connection.

Glidefire scores highly in terms of graphics, visuals and audio. The background has been kept simple, utilising various shades of blue for a futuristic feel. The design of individual levels varies, making each level uniquely interesting. The menu and icons have been placed perfectly as well. Background music adds to the mood of the game, giving it a beautifully induced effect.

Good: Excellent visuals and graphics

Bad: The response of the controls is a bit slow

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