I installed this application in both of my apple device in my iphone 6s and ipad mini to test in both the device and it turned to be great in both of the device the feature that take photo by just clicking the screen is very helpful in my ipad mini because the larger screen i don’t have to really click the camera button which we are used to do in earlier apple camera application, this features is very helpful in large devices like ipads.
And the manual focus in this application is much more accurate and it gives you complete control of the focus for the image by adjusting in the focus correctly you can take some great pictures which will look much more professional it provides more features like shutter speed control and image color and Exposure correction for a better look of the image.It even includes some great filter’s, effect’s with great photo editing the filter included with the Camera RX is very attractive and gives really some great professional look to the images you take in a very simple way, To test some effect’s i took some picture of my garden and some flowers with the Camera RX and applied some filters to it and really it turned out as a great pictures which looks much more professional and it add crisp to the images.
The white balance of the image is very good and it comes quite helpful while taking photos of the bright and the dark area like sky it gives great photos by adjusting the white balance which is very simple and very easy to use as a beginner the white balance preset is very helpful for some much more versatile photography.If we go deep to the video recording with the Camera RX then it offer’s some great feature to the user to make use of such as the anti shake correction functionality which is very helpful because it is very tough to get a smooth shot with the camera in your hand in such situation the shake correction functionality comes handy while taking video it automatically adjust and make the video look much more smooth even in person with very shaky hands this is a great advantages along with frame ratio adjustment which adjust itself and fits the frame of the display you have to give a much more better shot.It even works with the Wide angle and telescopic lenses and also with the dual camera which is an advantage of this application, With the light adjustment functionality you can take incredible picture in darker and brighter side of the image you want to take picture of and it turns out great at the end.
Camera RX application really provides some great quality and user freedom to adjust the pictures in a very simple way with all the filters and adjustment the image comes more vivid and attractive by giving some great professional look to the images you click and really it add’s some extra spice to the photos and video’s you take in a very simple and user friendly app experience, with the reasonable price of just $2.99 it definitely worth the money by its features it provides.
pros- Great image stabilization, Perfect white balance, On screen photo capture, Smooth user experience, Works on both telescopic and dual camera, Affordable price with the features,Manual focus ,Great filters.
Cons Some times the preset don’t work More color grading require.