The latest in the arena of games which bring out the artistic flair in you, available in iTunes App Store is the DoodleBook. This social drawing game encourages you to create some new drawings to convey an idea or some message which comes to your mind. DoodleBook helps you to discover the creative aspect of your personality and thus provides relaxation.
The whole idea behind this concept is to discover the extent of imagination or depth of creativity in you as well as your friends. The same topic or subject is provided in order to create a drawing. The work of art is then compared with the drawings prepared by your friends in order to arrive at a decision. The contest may be conducted for fun or as a competition. Winners can collect coins which may later prove to be helpful to acquire special tools. The freedom to comment, to share, or like doodles enhances the utility of this app.
-DoodleBook can be used by amateurs and novices. It does not require perfection in drawing. It just helps to showcase your creative side which may have passed unnoticed before. Providing funny or crazy captions to well-conceptualised doodles holds the key to enjoy DoodleBook.
-The additional feature which helps you to draw with relative ease or precision is the powerful zoom function.
-Friends or strangers can be invited to join and comparison between the finished doodles can be carried out.
-There are no time restrictions imposed due to the mode of play which involves taking turns.
-“DoodlePlay” ensures playing without undergoing pressure or restrictions with respect to time.
-The competition mode or “DoodleDare” allows the DoodleBook community to judge the winner of the contest.
-Winners obtain coins which can be traded to possess special tools which may later prove to be invaluable in winning “DoodleDares”. These special tools offer a slight advantage over your competitors.
-“DoodleDig” mode enables you to see the creations of other members of the DoodleBook community who worked on the same idea as yours.
-You can freely air your views and opinions by commenting, liking or sharing your favourite Doodles with the community.
-A personal collection of all your DoodleBook creations can be maintained along with browsing through other galleries containing the recent and most popular Doodles.
-The application is available in English and French. It is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch.
Summary: DoodleBook brings out the creativity which may lie dormant in you, to the fore. Creative doodles with interesting captions can be shared with other users of the community to convey your ideas or opinions.